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Sharkademy 2024: Supporting the Next Generation of Shark Scientists in the UK

Writer: Gemma ScottsGemma Scotts
Sharkademy candidates 2024 © Josh Knight

Last month, we were thrilled to host Sharkademy 2024 in collaboration with Celtic Deep CIC in Pembrokeshire, Wales. Sharkademy is a 5-day residential training programme collectively established in 2023, designed to equip those from economically challenged backgrounds with hands-on research experience and networking opportunities in the world of shark science. Out of nearly 100 applications, we hand-picked 18 individuals that stood out to us from a variety of different backgrounds and career paths to join us this year. Through educational workshops, practical activities, coastal boat trips, free-diving sessions and a day out with blue sharks in the Celtic Deep, Sharkademy aims to expose aspiring marine conservations to non-invasive research tools for real-world shark science.

Day 1 - Introductions

After a night of settling in and pizza in Dale, it was time for day one of Sharkademy. The first day was full of introductions to the programme, Celtic Deep and MARECO team's and getting to know the candidates. We took part in our first snorkel and freediving session at St Brides to test out kit and make sure everyone was comfortable being in the water. There was a nice mix of experienced free divers, to those who had never been snorkelling before, let alone in the UK. We had fun exploring amongst the kelp, surrounded by huge schools of sand eels. The sun even made a brief appearance.

We knew from day one that it would be unlikely that we could head out to the Celtic Deep this year as unfortunately the British weather was not on our side. We were all gutted as Rich, Founder of Celtic Deep, broke the news (in true weather man style) and thankfully the candidates took it on the chin. Excitingly, the candidates still got to/will get to join Celtic Deep out on the water in the weeks following to swim with with blue sharks so they don't miss out on this opportunity (see end).


We ended the first day with an introduction to elasmobranchs (sharks, skates and rays) workshop, led by MARECO Director and shark expert, Dr Gonzalo Araujo.

Rich channeling his inner weather man © Gemma Scotts
Candidates kitting up for a free dive/snorkel © Gemma Scotts

Day 2 – BRUV’s


After an introduction to coastal UK shark species led by Gemma, MARECO Researcher, the focus of day two was all about BRUVs. Sol, MARECO Researcher, who has been developing and using BRUVs as part of his PhD on blue shark populations in the North Atlantic, led a workshop on remote, benthic and pelagic underwater video systems and how these can be designed and used for different research questions.


The candidates then headed out on a coastal boat trip to deploy benthic BRUVs led by Rich and Emma, CIC Managing Director, from Celtic Deep. Each team carried out two BRUV deployments in search of coastal shark species, such as small-spotted catsharks, nursehound sharks, smoothound shark, tope shark and skates/rays.

Emma's team ready for some BRUV deployments © Josh Knight

Rich looking even cooler than normal © Josh Knight
Em educating her team © Josh Knight

Days 3 & 4 – Workshops, discussions, snorkels and seagrass surveys


Gonzo talking about different shark tags © Gemma Scotts

Over the next few days, Emma led sunrise snorkels in search of sharks, skates and rays with UV torches. Sol held workshops on pelagic shark species (Olympics’ style) and his experiences using stereo video with laser photogrammetry for his PhD research on blue sharks. Gonzalo introduced candidates to a variety of tagging techniques from SPOTS, PATs, SPLASH and camera tags, explaining the pros and cons of each approach. Rich (also co-founder of Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme – MWSRP) led a workshop on photo-identification and how MWSRP have developed a database to identify individual whale sharks in South Ari. Emma then led a workshop on DNA and eDNA where she used toothbrushes to collect DNA from blue sharks for her masters. We were also lucky enough to join Project Seagrass for a seagrass survey, identifying and counting seagrass coverage.


Some of our favourite elements of Sharkademy is getting to know the candidates, hearing people’s stories and engaging in wider conversations surrounding marine conservation and careers. Each day we held an informal discussion session, usually with drinks in the evenings with discussion topics surrounding a conservation issue or research theme.

Sol talking about stereo-lasers © Josh Knight

Day 5 - Social science, group projects, free-diving, and careers

Gemma discussing social science © Josh Knight

Gemma kicked off the final day of Sharkademy with a workshop on social science in shark conservation, exploring the relationship between recreational anglers and sharks and how social science guides MARECO's research. This was followed by group project presentations from the candidates who were given a research scenario at the start of the week. For this task, candidates had to decide on the most appropriate research methods to carry out the research based on the methods described throughout the week. We concluded Sharkademy with a final career’s discussion and a free-diving overview, understanding the effect of free-diving on the human body and testing the mammalian dive reflex on the sun deck.

The final careers session © Emma Williams
Free-diving with Rich and Emma © Gemma Scotts


Common dolphins in the Celtic Deep © Josh Knight
Blue sharks in the Celtic Deep © Josh Knight
Candidates enjoying their time out in the Deep © Josh Knight
Gannets in the Celtic Deep © Josh Knight
Candidates setting out for the Deep © Josh Knight
"It was so epic. Even now when I think about it, I am struck with a sudden wash of awe and love. What beautiful animals. Thank you for the leg up on the first step of a new journey".

We continue to be inspired by the candidates that we get to meet through this programme. We hope that you have gained motivation and reassurance about your individual journey at this stage in your career within marine conservation. It was a pleasure meeting you all and we look forward to following your individual journeys and career paths.

Our oceans are in safe hands!


We would like to sincerely thank Sea Changers and FSBI for funding this training residential and believing in our mission – without you this would not have been possible.


To the talented Sonny and Josh, thank you for joining us to film, photograph and document Sharkademy. It was lovely to meet you both.


Lastly, to our friends at Celtic Deep, your hard work, dedication and expertise is admirable. We are honoured to work alongside you!


Until next time,



MARECO x Celtic Deep




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